Group visits

Le Vaisseau is the place where play is the rule! More than 100 interactive elements distributed in 8 universes: Human Beings, Animals, nursery, Oasis, Cave, Forest, Garden and Factory.

School groups - Unaccompanied visits

Treat your class to a fascinating day out to learn about science while having fun! Look, interact and experiment...Here, your class can explore science by visiting different exhibitions and try out a whole host of interactive devices. Together, delve into such varied themes as the human body, mathematics, light, the properties of water or intelligence. Use our downloadable preparatory factsheets to plan your trip or continue learning once you're back in the classroom.

Groups - Unaccompanied visits

Play, learn, imagine, create... Here, you can learn about science while having fun! Looking for a fun and original group outing idea? Come and explore our exhibitions and unpick the mysteries of the human body, mathematics, light or water. A scientific trail blending fun activities, interactive experiments and hands-on engagement for young and old alike.

Explore our exhibitions

  • Technology

    The Factory

    Discover the mechanisms of artificial intelligence, interact with machines and develop algorithms!

  • Nature

    The Garden

    Set off in discovery of the fauna and flora at the Vaisseau!

  • Mathematics

    The Forest

    From puzzles to brain-teasers, develop your logical thinking.

  • Motricité

    The Playhouses

    Discover and try out different ways of moving and acting in the Petit Quartier’s houses.

  • Discover all our exhibitions
