Website publisher
Le Vaisseau – Collectivité européenne d’Alsace
1 bis, rue Philippe Dollinger
67100 Strasbourg
Tel.: +33 (0)3 69 33 26 69
Website: https://www.levaisseau.com/contact-us
Publications Director
Frédéric Bierry, Chief Executive of the Collectivité européenne d’Alsace
Website host
Collectivité européenne d’Alsace
Place du Quartier Blanc F-67964 Strasbourg cedex 9 FRANCE
Website: https://www.alsace.eu/
Website design and implementation
The website content design, monitoring, technical maintenance and updates are ensured by the Collectivité européenne d’Alsace and the Vaisseau. The online ticketing service is designed and maintained by the company Vivaticket. The ergonomics of the website were created by the cooperative company Impact Positif (https://www.impact-positif.fr/). The website’s style guidelines have been designed by the Groupement Maetva (https://maetva.com) & RD (Réalité Digitale). Technical implementation has been carried out jointly by the Collectivité européenne d’Alsace and the Groupement Maetva (https://maetva.com) & RD (Réalité Digitale).
Copyright and use of online content
All of the content presented on the Vaisseau’s website (site architecture, texts, videos, photos) – unless mentioned otherwise – is subject to copyright regulations. As such, any use thereof is subject to the author’s agreement pursuant to Article L-122.4 of the French Artistic and Intellectual Property Code. Photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, animated sequences, with or without sound, as well as all of the works embedded in this website are the property of the Collectivité européenne d’Alsace and the Vaisseau. The logos, icons and GPUs present on the website are protected under copyright and Articles L.511.1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code on the protection of registered designs.
None of the texts or photographs may be freely reproduced without sending a preliminary written request to the Vaisseau and Collectivité européenne d’Alsace at the following address:
Collectivité européenne d’Alsace
Hôtel du Département – Place du Quartier Blanc
Direction de la Communication
67964 Strasbourg cedex 9 FRANCE
That said, the information used may only be done so for personal, community or professional purposes, excluding any use for commercial or promotional purposes. Once permission has been obtained, alongside the reproduction of content, the words “paru sur le site levaisseau.com” (published on the levaisseau.com website) must be indicated, together with a link to the “https://www.levaisseau.com” website and the addition at the bottom of each piece of content of the words “droits réservés” (rights reserved).
Establishment of links
Links with other websites featuring on the "levaisseau.com" website may not incur the liability of the Collectivité européenne d’Alsace or the Vaisseau regarding the type of editorial content of these other websites. Users of and visitors to the "levaisseau.com" website can establish a link to this website subject to notifying the Collectivité européenne d’Alsace or the Vaisseau thereof, in writing, beforehand.